
2024年5月15日—Astroke,sometimescalledabrainattack,occurswhensomethingblocksbloodsupplytopartofthebrainorwhenabloodvesselinthebrainbursts.,Anischaemicstrokehappenswhenablockagecutsoffthebloodsupplytopartofyourbrain,killingbraincells.,2024年5月15日—Suddentroubleseeinginoneorbotheyes.Suddentroublewalking,dizziness,lossofbalance,orlackofcoordination.Suddensevereheadache ...,2023年5月26日—Youmayexp...

About Stroke

2024年5月15日 — A stroke, sometimes called a brain attack, occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

Ischaemic stroke

An ischaemic stroke happens when a blockage cuts off the blood supply to part of your brain, killing brain cells.

Signs and Symptoms of Stroke

2024年5月15日 — Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes. Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, or lack of coordination. Sudden severe headache ...


2023年5月26日 — You may experience loss of vision, hearing, or touch. Your ability to feel pain or temperature may be affected after a stroke, or you may have ...


2024年8月3日 — In this video, we'll cover the basics of a stroke. What is it, who it happens to, the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Stroke Symptoms and Warning Signs

Men and women who have strokes often feel similar symptoms of stroke, such as face drooping, arm weakness and speech difficulty. Other common signs for both ...

Stroke | CVA

2024年4月22日 — What are the symptoms of stroke? · Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg (especially on one side of the body) · Sudden confusion, ...


A stroke is a medical emergency caused by a lack of blood flow to part of your brain. Lack of blood flow will eventually cause permanent brain damage or ...